A course in basic riding theory and communication with the horse
Course Program
8 sections on each aspect of riding – a total of 35 lessons
- What is a horse?
- Myths about horses
- Horse psychology
- Horse physiology
- Safety measures
- Human-horse interaction
- Cleaning and saddling
- Types of harness
- Rules for cleaning the horse
- How to put on a bridle and saddle
- When not to start a class
- The basics of riding and control
- Rules of conduct in the arena
- How to control a horse correctly
- Why doesn’t the horse obey
- Falls and how to avoid them
- Riding – a new level
- Riding in the fields
- Cavaletti and the basics of jumping
- Your development prospects
- Common problems and fears
- Before the start of the class.
- Health, age and gender of the rider
- Clothing and equipment
- How to choose a program
- How to choose a trainer
- How to plan your training
- Getting on the horse
- Energy and attitude
- Boarding and rushing
- Correct boarding and its types
- Landing problems and correction
- Let’s go: step, trot, gallop!
- Pace is the basis of everything
- Trot training and formation
- Long-awaited canter
- Learning to feel the horse
- Riding without a saddle and bridle
- If you want your own horse
- Pros and cons of owning a horse
- How to prepare for horse ownership
- How the horse market works
- What kind of horse do you want
That’s not all!
Answers to Questions:
You can ask the author questions at any time after purchasing the course
Testing and Certificates:
At any point after you complete the course, you can take a test and get a certificate
Gifts – additional materials:
– Rider Landing ChecklistRider Landing Checklist.
– 25+ exercises to improve posture
– Instructions for handling your horse